What is the rat doing? Just looking on? giving them a pep talk? Pointers about running in place?I’ve had incredible pet rats that seemed almost on the verge of speech once in a while.
Good grief! Now Gary’s so “green” that he’s a got a plug-in car, while the really green mutant is using his resources (as in “Human Resources Department”) to produce the electrical charge in the good old-fashioned way! How odd that social activism and slave-labor should intersect at the Leopold nexus!
V-Beast over 12 years ago
Watt are they doing?
Superfrog over 12 years ago
Yes they are and Leo does killerwatts.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
And it kilohurts. Somebody stop me!
eric stott over 12 years ago
I guess Gary’s living off the grid?
Red_Fez over 12 years ago
That’s a good idea. Criminals could be pressed into generating our power… how about starting with Eric Holder.
WebSpider over 12 years ago
Help! Help! I’m sliding off the page trying to read the strip.
Arianne over 12 years ago
♪♫ People try to put us down Just because we get around… … Talkin’ ’bout my generation ♪♫
pam Miner over 12 years ago
What is the rat doing? Just looking on? giving them a pep talk? Pointers about running in place?I’ve had incredible pet rats that seemed almost on the verge of speech once in a while.
lyan7 over 12 years ago
Ow my neck!
ironflange over 12 years ago
What’s the big idea? This isn’t “Funky Winkerbean!”
Red_Fez over 12 years ago
⬆ ironflange… that’s funny!
Heyjack over 12 years ago
wow-all the guys on the walls are getting some exercise and fresh……different air…
comicnut4636 over 12 years ago
Wouldn’t get enough to light one little LED.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Good grief! Now Gary’s so “green” that he’s a got a plug-in car, while the really green mutant is using his resources (as in “Human Resources Department”) to produce the electrical charge in the good old-fashioned way! How odd that social activism and slave-labor should intersect at the Leopold nexus!
mrsullenbeauty over 12 years ago
Good catch! I had to go back and look at that.
BKlemencic about 12 years ago
Good one. I like this different kind of a comic strip!