Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 19, 2004
January 18, 2004
January 20, 2004
"Bradley, my man! S'up?"
"TJ! Where you been?"
"Here, there. So you're almost a firedude, huh? Way to go, bro."
"Yeah, if I make it through Fire Academy."
"Speakin' of makin' it, how's Toni?"
"Uh-oh. DEEP into the car. Bad sign."
JoeyCooler777 over 11 years ago
Wonder why TJ takes these random vacations?
Silverclaw almost 11 years ago
Probably mugging people. Or cheating them. Along those lines.
Isaac Chen over 6 years ago
He sees TJ on his left side and turns to the right to speak to him