Saw a bumper sticker that read “If you think I’m a bad driver, you should see me putt!” Right next to it was one that read “If you don’t like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk.” As if to prove his point, he had two wheels up on the curb — out in front of a satellite circuit court used primarily for traffic cases.
jcm1655 over 12 years ago
some people are just bad putters.
scrabblefiend over 12 years ago
Ben, stick to the WII golf. You do better there.
K M over 12 years ago
Saw a bumper sticker that read “If you think I’m a bad driver, you should see me putt!” Right next to it was one that read “If you don’t like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk.” As if to prove his point, he had two wheels up on the curb — out in front of a satellite circuit court used primarily for traffic cases.
pcolli over 12 years ago
Give up golf, Ben. It’s not for you and you’re not for it..The shorts, though, are quite something!