The K Chronicles by Keith Knight for July 11, 2012

  1. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...â„¢  over 12 years ago

    And I thought they were just to keep people from stealin your shoes.

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  2. Spideychuck
    sleeepy2  over 12 years ago

    For what it’s worth, the designer said they were supposed to evoke memories of My Pet Monster

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  3. Missing large
    CarolineMcKinnon  over 12 years ago

    the image of an idiot with power (my favorite combo) declaring omg what a great idea says it all, thanks for nailing it againas for Shaq L shoes, very clever, what a brilliant mind Keefpresume aforementioned idiot has been defanged by more superior idiots making a smart choice for a change, keep on ripping the claws out of misplaced power Keef, we need you.

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