Cow and Boy Classics by Mark Leiknes for August 09, 2012

  1. Accepting award cropped compressed bigger
    kbyrdleroy  over 12 years ago

    Kids and their overactive imagination.

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    Gator007  over 12 years ago

    Or better yet sleep in the barn like the cow you are.

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    Casey Southards  over 12 years ago


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    Ullallulloo  over 12 years ago

    Why does Billy sleep in the barn? O_o

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    Jkiss  over 12 years ago

    The cloned TRex bed walked off with the bunk beds last I saw..Any kid that needs a dream bazooka should sleep in the barn.

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    Droshala  almost 9 years ago

    Actually the bunk bed, and the rest of the room for that matter, got blown up by the dynamite alarm clock. After that, he’s lucky to be allowed in the BARN.

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