Sylvia by Nicole Hollander for December 16, 2009

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    FitzFulke  about 15 years ago

    A planet where people can still use their credit cards? And wear that outfit at home? Frabjous!

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    realman  about 15 years ago

    Today’s the first time I’m using’s My Comics Page service. And I just read, for the first time, in the About Sylvia blurb (to the right) that this strip is adored by cat lovers and a hit with female readers. I’ve been reading and enjoying Sylvia for decades when I could find it (most often in recent years in my subscription to The Funny Times) but have never thought of it in gender-specific terms before. Once again this Realman (and dog-lover) stands defiant to cultural gender norms. (…And I wonder why people think I’m stubborn…)

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    Mary McNeil Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Hurrah for realman! Rita, bring this guy a drink and a donut!

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