Yes — and I speak from firsthand knowledge. But it’s sad for those with dementia only if they’re only halfway into the fog, and are still able to appreciate the horror of what’s happening to them. (Again, firsthand knowledge.).Unless there are other complications such as agitation, physical failure, psychotic delusion, or depression — dementia is complicated, and no two cases are alike — I can think of worse things than to be so far into it that you have only the childlike novelty of the moment, over and over, while you’re just running out the clock. Then, the pain is only for those who love you and have to watch it happen, and remember the way you used to be — and who keep raging at you to remember when you can no longer do so..It may be that the best thing you can do, for yourself and for them, is to let go of what they were, and let them be what they are now in as much peace and physical comfort as possible. The alternative is to impose our grief and pain on them when it can no longer do them any good.
gilmccarthy over 12 years ago
This subject is the saddest possible for children of dementia patients and parents.
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
Yes — and I speak from firsthand knowledge. But it’s sad for those with dementia only if they’re only halfway into the fog, and are still able to appreciate the horror of what’s happening to them. (Again, firsthand knowledge.).Unless there are other complications such as agitation, physical failure, psychotic delusion, or depression — dementia is complicated, and no two cases are alike — I can think of worse things than to be so far into it that you have only the childlike novelty of the moment, over and over, while you’re just running out the clock. Then, the pain is only for those who love you and have to watch it happen, and remember the way you used to be — and who keep raging at you to remember when you can no longer do so..It may be that the best thing you can do, for yourself and for them, is to let go of what they were, and let them be what they are now in as much peace and physical comfort as possible. The alternative is to impose our grief and pain on them when it can no longer do them any good.
Magic Grandad over 12 years ago
OMG ! It’s a cartoon not a social comment!