Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for September 06, 2012
Percy; Are you setting any goals for the new school? Clayton; I really want the new Wii when it comes. Percy; Isn't console gaming dead? Clayton; Dead? Why do you say that? Percy; Because I can get a better experience from the cloud without huge hardware purchases. Clayton; Be careful... Percy; Why? Clayton; I hear Mario and Luigi hold a grudge.
lostone0069 over 12 years ago
Ugh! spoken like a true drone. The “cloud” (aka the internet for the most part) has it’s place and is a good thing. Everyone jumping on the great marketing campaign that is “cloud computing” drives me nuts. "Lets all take what we used to buy once and control and secure ourselves and put it out on someone elses hardware, let them hire people that we may or may not trust to secure it and then pay them every month FOREVER for the right to access our OWN STUFF. Oh, and if there’s a payment dispute? Forget it, pay them what they want or your stuff now is unavailable to you anymore. OH, and if your internet connection goes down? yeah, “stuff” no longer available.
ARAAAGGHHHH! The cloud is not a miracle people! It’s a marketing campaign to try and put the cell phone model in place for everything you use on a computer!
Nighthawks Premium Member over 12 years ago
and before all of that, there was Pong.connected to the console by wire. 4 exciting variations of the same game. low res, white on black screen. the bare minimum sounds. the only thing you controlled was the vertical movement of the curser to return the ‘ball’pretty archaic stuff, for sure ……but when if first came out in the seventies, it was huge.HUGE
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
Nowadays I prefer console games to PC games, partly because I spend all workday at a PC and partly because consoles have fewer bugs and compatibility issues.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
When are they getting their dog?
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
And you don’t want to get stumped!
maybeinthenextworld over 12 years ago
What? A sunspot? You do know it’s not an actual cloud right?
maybeinthenextworld over 12 years ago
Sorry the cloud is the best way for most of this. Most of you are speaking about present day technology vs where it’s headed. Owning the physical game? That;s absurd. Outages? My internet is much better than my cell phone.
tbritt99 over 12 years ago
The “cloud?” Boy am I out of my element.
Tyrnn over 12 years ago
Big-a Bros. are-a ALWAYS watching a-you!
Allan CB Premium Member over 12 years ago
The cloud is NOT new. It was “around” in the 80’s, and 90’s with giant server rooms in buildings.
Miserichord over 12 years ago
Up grade to an Network Area Server with internet capabilities.That’s a box that connects to your modem, with 2+ TB memory. Currently start at @ $150, with prices falling as memory gets cheaper.Store all your goodies on it, as well as on your desktop.Access all your goodies through the cloud with your tablet or netbook when away from home.You still own everything, still have the game media, and can always access them from your desktop or other devices at home, even if the cloud crashes.And it serves as a backup if your desktop crashes.