Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for August 31, 2012
Rip: Listen, when I had my accident, I was trying to help Cobra! She's in trouble! Lady: Cobra? You mean Cobra Carson? Rip: Yes! Do you follow her on twitter or something? Lady: I have a newspaper here with that name on the front page - lemme see - here it is! Big whoop canyon news! Cobra Carson to wed Vile Smith! Rip: But she's already married - to me! Lady: Weird. It says here in the article you've been dead a long time.
Veridian over 12 years ago
Amazing what realistic looking “Articles” you can create with a High resolution Printer, PhotoSuite 7 and reprocessed newsprint…… Sorry, I STILL aint buyin’ the whole “Bobby Ewing in the Shower” Scenario! HUGPOUNCESZZ!
Rod Gonzalez over 12 years ago
Now this is just ridiculous!
mrbribery over 12 years ago
I thought the bonnet girl was gonna be Cobra…
johnrussco over 12 years ago
cobra’s sister maybe?
frogsandravens over 12 years ago
Sooo. confused…
CaptBullock over 12 years ago
She looks like she’s ready to go on a quest for medicine, only to discover that … she’s living in the 21st Century!!!
Fly On The Wall over 12 years ago
@ Capt Bullock…that was a cool movie…can’t remember the name of it though.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
From yesterday: Thank you all so much for those responses(and you Dan Thompson) to this story arc and how it resembles the G. I. Joe 2-part episode “There” No Place Like Springfield" (1985). I love it when I post items like this and not get backlash.
mntim over 12 years ago
Looks like Cobra’s working really deep cover.
kaystari Premium Member over 12 years ago
This is all an elaborate set up by SKULL. He’s in the Village, but not the move, the 1960 TV series with Pat Mcgoohan,
Dragoncat over 12 years ago
This episode of “The Twilight Zone” being is starting to get out of hand.Perhaps Grizzly Adams should take a break from directing, and let Adam West take over.
DorianKTB over 12 years ago
That doubtful look on Cobra’s face in the picture says it all - a “36 HOURS” deal, as many of us here suspected! (Still snickering over the name “Vile Smith,” pronounced “vill-ay”! :) For the record, while THE VILLAGE had both its flaws and its good points, I admit I went to see it only because my favorite contemporary actor Adrien Brody was in it! :-)
DorianKTB over 12 years ago
GAHH! I keep forgetting about that stupid strikethrough feature! Oh well, you guys can still read it, right? :-) Enjoy your Labor Day weekend, everyone!
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
HugPounceszz and Happy Labor Day Haywire Hooligans!
My Alaskan cruise is delightful, and this strip may make my mind boggle but both of them are uproarious fun! I bought a 6ft Polar Bear yesterday for my grandson I expect in mid October, (I got free shipping and 20 % off, so what can I say?!?) but Dan, you should feel free to use it as a prop in future episodes…lol…sorry if thats confusing, but Rip now looks like most of the men I have seen so far up here…
dan thompson creator over 12 years ago
Netflix has the old mission impossibles I started watching them, very good but hard to follow while I draw…I like shows with a lot of dialogue…I listen to a lot of tv shows while I draw sometimes.
joegeethree over 12 years ago
Got to let it play out and see what happens people.