Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for September 01, 2012
Rip: Listen up, doo-rag, you need to explain who you are and how I got here. Chancy: It's me, lucky. It's chancy. You came to mewith broken bones and a head injury - over two years ago. You couldn't remember who you were! All that time, I've taken care of you! P-yow! Rip: Well, now I remember and I have to go home! Yipe! Who's shooting at us? Chancy: Oh that's my fiance! He never did like you.
Veridian over 12 years ago
Hmmmm I can’t Imagine WHY Not……Have a Great Labor Day Weekend Gang! I’ll see you in the Funny Papers!
Veridian over 12 years ago
BTW..Rip is “Lucky” W.F. Nightingale there is “Chancy”…. I’m guessin’ her Fiance’ is Either “Twitchy” or “Tetchy” ….Dan, am I Close? :-)
mrbribery over 12 years ago
her fiance is Vile Smith the bigamist…
mrbribery over 12 years ago
or Rip’s dad!
johnrussco over 12 years ago
I still say that she and Cobra are related.
DorianKTB over 12 years ago
You know, with the clothes our heroes are wearing, Our Man Thompson could keep this going until Thanksgiving! I can see it now, a Plymouth Rock smackdown! :-) Hope all of us Haywire Hooligans are having a great Labor Day weekend!
Dragoncat over 12 years ago
Next thing you know, after Rip explains that he doesn’t want to stay with Chancy, the gun-totting fiance will aim the gun and say something like, “Why not?”
Kip W over 12 years ago
Poor Lucky thinks he’s some guy called Rip!