Rosemary, not if you were the last woman on the island. Seeing as there’s a dead girl buried nearby, you’ll never BE that last woman. It would be easier to have an intelligent conversation with the lady that’s six feet under and I’m sure she’d be better in…other ways.
randayn over 12 years ago
There’s a reason they’re walking away from you, Rosemary.
pcolli over 12 years ago
The object of animal desire???? So there ARE animals on the island, not just bananas.
daniel_bel over 12 years ago
Give me some time off, guys, I’m counting the occurences of her “affections”.
Peachguy82 over 12 years ago
Rosemary, not if you were the last woman on the island. Seeing as there’s a dead girl buried nearby, you’ll never BE that last woman. It would be easier to have an intelligent conversation with the lady that’s six feet under and I’m sure she’d be better in…other ways.
hector1 over 12 years ago
what happened to the sandals?
starlilies over 12 years ago
Wow, she’s so full of herself, I’m surprised she’s always hungry!
comicnut4636 over 12 years ago
Note to Rosemary: You can’t get back far enough.
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago
Producer: “I’d like to make her look a little more attractive. How far can you pull back?”
Cameraman: “How do you feel about Cleaveland?”
-Scene from “Tootsie”