Since I’m nearly 2 metres tall myself, I know how the poor fella feels; when I went car-shopping with a friend in the early ‘80s, I sat in a Toyota Celica Supra, looked up at the salesman and said, "I like it. Do they come in men’s sizes?" And in a little Renault, with a sunroof, all I needed was the Moose Jaw telephone book to sit on, then aviator’s goggles and a white silk scarf.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
He doesn’t need a moon roof, giraffes are diurnal.
gosfreikempe over 12 years ago
Since I’m nearly 2 metres tall myself, I know how the poor fella feels; when I went car-shopping with a friend in the early ‘80s, I sat in a Toyota Celica Supra, looked up at the salesman and said, "I like it. Do they come in men’s sizes?" And in a little Renault, with a sunroof, all I needed was the Moose Jaw telephone book to sit on, then aviator’s goggles and a white silk scarf.
brittickjr over 12 years ago
Cars ‘R’ Us.
Godfreydaniel over 12 years ago
I’m sure that he also wants four-on-the-floor…….
iced tea over 12 years ago
He wants to stick his neck out for that car!