Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for September 08, 2012

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    Rabbit to Zig:

    “Show us YOUR papers!”.

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    stewfull  over 12 years ago

    Obuma say’s it is not his garden . . . like the grasshopper It is OURS

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    @Stew Full

    Papers thing was meant as a joke, not a reference to the birther thing, which some wish to bring up forever.Election is a clear choice.Do we want the testosterone-driven “rugged individual”, “make it on your own” stuff, or do we want “it takes a village” stuff?Much prefer the latter, as none of us lives in complete isolation in this world..We ARE our brother’s keeper. It’s our job here.Far more positive results when we work together.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    Read an interview of WW2 combat vets awhile back.Terrible as war is, they said that they had never before, and had never since, felt the same closeness to other human beings than they did in combat.They were all in the same boat, struggling to stay alive,TOGETHER.The garden belongs to all of us.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    Geronimo armed with a rifle in a poster-“Show me your papers.” (to whites)Whites thought the garden was theirs. Wrong again.

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    oddball1972  over 12 years ago

    Maybe it’s a time share

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    pfantom58  over 12 years ago

    must be bankers

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    FishDog93  over 12 years ago

    Just amazes me how liberals think it’s ok to take stuff that doesn’t belong to them! Take what others have worked hard for, and redistribute it to those that are too lazy to work!!

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago


    You describe the “dogwhistle” thing perfectly, now being employed by reeps to lure those who hold such beliefs as yours to vote for them.You’re being manipulated.The goal of reeps is to win by employing the age-old military maxim:“Divide and conquer”. Works great in war, and times of relative “peace”.Of course, not so much for Afghanistan.reeps-“get’em fighting against each other, and you’ve got ’em beat.”.Nothing here on this Earth "belongs to " anyone here.We’re just temporary tenants here, simply stewards,caretakers- entrusted with the care of what ALL have been given.We have this on far higher authority than anyone walking around on this planet.

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    Squirrelchaser  over 12 years ago

    I read a lot of science fiction. Many describe a future world of socialism in extreme. I found those descriptions not only disturbing but unrealistic. Yet after reading some of the comments on this (albeit non-political) comic, I wonder just how far off that world really is.

    I agree with you, Wuz.

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  11. Lannister
    TELawrence  over 12 years ago

    The pests are subcontracting!

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    cateymoore Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Does anyone else there have a garden? What to YOU think when the mice and rabbits and birds help themselves to the cabbages and tomatoes and apples after YOU spent all the money for seeds, soil amendments, and water and put in all the work of planting, training and weeding? WE have traps in our garden, and they are not the have-a-heart sort.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    @wuz there etc., etc.

    My brother, would love to have one more beer with you and all whose names are inscribed on The Wall. Some were known to me also.Wish to not see history repeated by idiots on the right who are seeking office, with eyes to the NEXT war in Iran, with proceeds to go to Wall Street and the defense industry with the shedding of more blood.Your dislike of me is evident, but we are all brothers, in the end, from the same source, and returning to same.Even the VC and NV regulars, who just wanted to live, too.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    @wuz there etc., etc.

    Make mine Tennessee moonshine, and will join you.My friend, Viet Nam is long gone, as are the other wars that have enriched Wall Street and the defense industry.Let’s all cease to add to their already obscene wealth with our blood, and the blood of innocents elsewhere in the world.This is 2012. Time to lay aside your hatred for Hanoi Jane, and join others who “wuz there”, and who have turned away from war.Join the VVAW, son.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    @wuz there, etc. etc.

    VVAW members “wuz there”, has done that, and don’t want no more to do with war, son.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    @wuz there, etc, etc.

    58,000 others “wuz there”, and came back in boxes-am sure you knew a few. Did myself.Their names are now inscribed on The Wall.You’re still above ground. Consider yourself lucky, and talk over you experiences with members of the VVAW, if you don’t consider them lefty communists, too.Also give thought to VC and NV regulars.They wanted to live, too.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    @wuz there, etc., etc.

    My 20?On God’s green Earth, ready to drive my 18 wheeler over all who preach division and hate, son. We’ve all been manipulated, son, am mad as hell, and ain’t going to take it no more.Happy dreams, son.

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    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago

    TO DIVERT FROM THE POLITICAL CRAP, I will say TO ZIGGY, MAYBE YOU AND CHARLEY FROM OVERBOARD should get together and discuss garden strategy with the rabbits in your gardens!

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