Except that when you’re throwing punches, your dominant hand is usually the stronger. That’s why a right-hander jabs with the left hand and coldcocks his opponent with the right (usually, ignoring the left hook for a moment; but now this is getting too deep).
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Dem Cap. Now we’re socially secure.,
Tue Elung-Jensen over 12 years ago
Super ability for a villain – to sense that with his face, but perhaps impractical.
knight1192a over 12 years ago
Just means he’s left handed instead of right. Doesn’t mean he leans politically left.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
MORE likely he uses his left to lift his beer mug.
K M over 12 years ago
Except that when you’re throwing punches, your dominant hand is usually the stronger. That’s why a right-hander jabs with the left hand and coldcocks his opponent with the right (usually, ignoring the left hook for a moment; but now this is getting too deep).