La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 13, 2012

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    mrbribery  over 12 years ago

    yes, when Clinton was still president!

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    J Short  over 12 years ago

    It was Clinton’s fault.

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    57-Don  over 12 years ago

    might want to check your history as to who was president in 2001 there guys

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    svcman98  over 12 years ago

    Ok folks, History lesson…Clinton left office on Jan 20, 2001 with a SURPLUS in the federal budget. There was NO deficit on Jan 20, 2001. President George W. Bush proceeded to reduce income by cutting taxes and then reacting to Sep 11, 2001 he began spending with NO increase in taxes or revenue. Next came Afghanistan, then Iraq, then he closed the doughnut-hole in Medicare. None of these expenditures were funded by increased revenue. In fact, tax revenue was reduced again in 2003 by more tax cuts. Regulation and oversight were reduced or removed from Wall Street causing the housing bubble which then burst in 2008. President Bush then proceeded to bail out Wall Street with billions in subsidies and grants. (none were paid for or paid back) When the economy began to tank, he applied to Congress for a stimulus package, but it was not until President Obama took office on Jan 20, 2009 that the stimulus package passed Congress. By all accounts it was not large enough to stimulate the recovery and there are still billions of dollars unspent. President Obama began his administration with a $10 Trillion dollar deficit. So he has added only $6 Trillion dollars to it. Most of that cost is trying to clean up the TWO wars left him by President Bush.

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    Bob.  over 12 years ago

    Politicians don’t fix things. They just blame someone else.

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    Uncle Joe  over 12 years ago

    There was actually still a surplus for the 2001 fiscal year. Still want to blame Clinton for that, guys?The record of the last 3 Republicans on deficit reduction is a joke. Unlike Reagan & the Bushes, Romney won’t even give the middle class a piece of the tax cut action. Romney will just transfer the giveaway from people struggling with a lousy job market, to military contractors and oil companies.

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    BenderSastre  over 12 years ago

    It is my understanding that there was only one president in the history of this nation during whose term our country was out of debt. Government’s been a bad debtor on a regular basis for 230 years.

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    LOWRIDER84  over 12 years ago

    Anyone who has actually accomplished something other than being “elected” in a state that sets the standard for democrat corruption.

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