One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for May 27, 2013

  1. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    Never hurts….lol!

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    Dear Ms. Susan Newman,- if you’re interested, I may know a way for you to be able to enlarge the screen for you to enjoy this strip:

    If you use a Windows browser you can press the plus ( “+”) key while holding down the Ctrl (Control) key to enlarge. To return to normal size, you can press the minus (“-”) key while pressing the Ctrl (Control ) key or the zero (“0”) key and control keys to return to the default setting.

    If that doesn’t work you can also click your internet browser’s Help button and search for Zoom. It should explain how to enlarge the page contents, and probably how to change the default sizes if what she’s using is too small for her-Or if you have a Mac OS X computer, you can use the Command (⌘) key instead of the Ctrl key.-And if you have a computer with a built in mouse pad or use a touch screen phone, you can “swipe” with two fingers sweeping out in a reverse pinching motion to enlarge. And to reduce the size, you can use two fingers to swipe in a pinching motion.-The first one usually works for me to enlarge this strip. I hope this or the others can help you enjoy.

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  3. Gustave courbet   le d sesp r
    mabrndt Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Do it again (as often as necessary) to make it as large as you want — though it will start to lose clarity at some point, or reach its maximum size. Use “Command and 0” to undo all the “Command and +”s in one stroke.

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  4. Standard fiigure skating outfit  heavily inked  johnson  inc.    copy  3
    Cindy Knight  almost 12 years ago

    And now that the Enlarging Browsers From Dummieslessons has ended, today’s strip has Ruthie startinga new business.

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    She must’ve been a sweetheart!…. And that is a very special talent!

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  6. Gustave courbet   le d sesp r
    mabrndt Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Without uploading the picture to some internet service (there are many places to upload to), the only way I know of to show your picture is to make it your avatar (since you have one, you know how to do that). When you see an image in a comment, it’s an embedded image; the actual image is on someone’s internet server.To demonstrate: the archive location of today’s strip. the location of the image.The following will show the image in the comment box:<img src="" width="360" />embedded image:The width="360" confines it to the width of the comment box. If you photo is less than 360 pixels wide, you don’t need it.However, if you embed an image that you don’t own in a comment, proper internet etiquette is to point to where you found the image (in case there’s a ®, ©, or ™ involved). So instead of using that, I personally would use:<a href=""><img src="" width="360" /></a>to embed the image:If you click the first embedded image, nothing happens. If you click the second one, it takes you to the archived strip page.What surrounds the <img … /> in boldface (just for emphasis, doesn’t have to be boldface) is sometimes called an embedded link or a hyperlink (what I used around many earlier); so you now know how to do that too.

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