One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for December 02, 2013

  1. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  about 11 years ago

    That’ll be the description on the inner cover, for the pre-release teaser book….

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  2. Ron guitar avatar
    StratmanRon  about 11 years ago

    “About the Author”; “Ruthie is the greatest author in the world, and every book she writes is great, and she is nice, and she can sing really well….”

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  3. Ron guitar avatar
    StratmanRon  about 11 years ago

    On today’s strip, l’il Ruthie realizes that as a comedienne, knowing your audience is critical.

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  4. My eye
    vldazzle  about 11 years ago

    I can remember once giving a book report on a non-existent book back in my school days (I don’t remember why) but I think it may have been that we were required to do one in a certain gendre which was not in my current interests. I vaguely remember it being “biographies” and the pre-internet times were not good for finding one within my range of interests

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