Ruthie wears me out with explanations of nursery rimes needs no explanation.
To all the New Year Eve’s babies born today last day for birthday as I, Happy Birthday to all. Everyone have a safe New Years Eve tonight. We do not drink staying home watching ABC Rockin Eve from New York. I’m on Central time so hope to stay away by 11pm then bed time.
Who besides me knew what it was by Panel 2 (or even 1)?LOVE it!Grandma Rose (today at Creators) is tired from Holiday stress and doesn’t want to deal with Avis; Nick on the other hand could use some company for amusement, and Avis is a hoot! sometimes I worry about being her
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Old Nursery Rhymes, 56th ed., Complete With Ruthie’s Annotated Notes”…
2252895 about 11 years ago
piloti about 11 years ago
But, all valid points.
StratmanRon about 11 years ago
In today’s strip, Ruthie learns that grown-ups can find alternative methods of alcohol consumption.
marilynn25 about 11 years ago
Ruthie is headed for a successful career as a trial lawyer. Or a one-girl Greek chorus.
OldestandWisest about 11 years ago
Ruthie should consult “The Annotated Mother Goose” by William S. Baring-Gould.
kab2rb about 11 years ago
Ruthie wears me out with explanations of nursery rimes needs no explanation.
To all the New Year Eve’s babies born today last day for birthday as I, Happy Birthday to all. Everyone have a safe New Years Eve tonight. We do not drink staying home watching ABC Rockin Eve from New York. I’m on Central time so hope to stay away by 11pm then bed time.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 11 years ago
Telling Ruthie a story is not a job, it’s an adventure!
Stellagal about 11 years ago
Wait until he gets to the part of “She whipped them all soundly and put them to bed” or is that part been censored from todays version?
vldazzle about 11 years ago
Who besides me knew what it was by Panel 2 (or even 1)?LOVE it!Grandma Rose (today at Creators) is tired from Holiday stress and doesn’t want to deal with Avis; Nick on the other hand could use some company for amusement, and Avis is a hoot! sometimes I worry about being her
FireMedic about 11 years ago
I prefer the Dice Clay version. “There was an old woman who lived in a shoe she had so many children her uterus fell out.”
womzilla about 11 years ago
I have long assumed the old woman who lived in a shoe is a camp follower “living by the boot”. But she could just be homeless.