Where I live awhile back, the Police had a tip that someone was dealing, growing weed and they broke down the door, immediately threw in a tear gas grenade. The poor dog thought it was a ball and picked it up, it killed the dog. Turns out the guy wasn’t doing anything illegal but the police killed his dog based on a likely upset neighbor who was just trying to get revenge by having police harass him.
Now I say people don’t teach your dog to play with balls if you want them to live when the police break down your door.
Templo S.U.D. over 12 years ago
That’s great, Honey. Now go to The Home Depot for a new door.
mrbribery over 12 years ago
see today’s Eric the Circle. I can’t be in a team (or a swat for that matter).
James Hopkins over 12 years ago
Some people can’t avoid taking their work home with them.
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
She can now SWAT him with the bill to fix the door.
psychlady over 12 years ago
So that means he has to swat down the house?
SwimsWithSharks over 12 years ago
philyfanstukinmi over 12 years ago
He didn’t last long. He couldn’t hurt a fly.
Rwill over 12 years ago
Good thing he didn’t make it on the demolition squad.
danlarios over 12 years ago
he didn’t throw any garnade bangers ot tear gas inside back to school
Greg Johnston over 12 years ago
And now you get to take up carpentry…
pcolli over 12 years ago
“Whatever. It’s your turn to get dinner.”
Keith Messamer over 12 years ago
That’s one way to break the news.
angelfiredragon over 12 years ago
Where I live awhile back, the Police had a tip that someone was dealing, growing weed and they broke down the door, immediately threw in a tear gas grenade. The poor dog thought it was a ball and picked it up, it killed the dog. Turns out the guy wasn’t doing anything illegal but the police killed his dog based on a likely upset neighbor who was just trying to get revenge by having police harass him.
Now I say people don’t teach your dog to play with balls if you want them to live when the police break down your door.