Matt Wuerker for September 06, 2012

  1. Missing large
    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    Keeping out those believers in “second amendment solutions” don’t you know.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    Yes, it DOES apply on BOTH sides. But, considering “Gabby” Giffords, Trevon Martin, going to the movies, or school, Sikh temple, or walking down the street in Portland, Oregon, Los Angeles, Chicago, or “fill in the blank” city in the U.S., what HAS become of “security” in America, and how would YOU like to be a Secret Service agent???

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    Michael: aside the fact you missed my point about how dangerous just “average life” in America has become due to the outstanding efforts of such as the NRA, and their Republican sponsors, I HAVE taken that “head shot” Eryx mentioned, on deer, and “other prey”. I KNOW Secret Service (now retired, I’m old) and other agents and military people who’ve served our nation in “overt” and “covert” capacities.

    Bush WAS the nation of FEAR! Mitt will continue the nation of FEAR! While probably, not possibly, “investing” outrageously in MORE military waste, and WAR, for profiteers!!!!!!

    Colin Powell, Schwarzkoff (sp) and other military men, from generals, down to privates, will tell you: the LAST thing a true soldier wants, is WAR! The duty of the military in this nation is to preserve PEACE, and SAFETY, for ALL those at home.

    It is time to stop bowing to those who profit from war, terror, and FEAR! STAND UP, AMERICA! Tell the political pundits to “shove it!” Let America BE America, turn away from supporting plutocracy, and yes, that fascist dream, a corporate controlled government, intent on becoming dictatorship. Remember, in fact, never forget, it was “Bush/Cheney” that demanded a “unitary presidency”- and think what that means.

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