Savage Chickens by Doug Savage for October 05, 2012

  1. Rocket scientist custom invites r535292a0f09249799a8e9c21a51f6581 8dnd0 8byvr 512
    rocketscientist  over 12 years ago

    Chicken astrophysicists always want grants to study the “falling sky”.

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  2. 250px sifl and olly
    rifframone  over 12 years ago

    I wish these were back in the original size. The idea that they are all done on sticky-notes is part of the fun, and that gets lost with the enlargement. Also, the quality drops.

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  3. 250px sifl and olly
    rifframone  over 12 years ago

    I know there are larger sizes available- and sometimes Doug Savage does comics on multiple sticky notes combined to make a larger one- but I believe most of his work is done on a single regular-sized one. I like that concept and enlarging it changes the feel of it- and drops the quality.

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