Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for September 19, 2012
September 18, 2012
September 20, 2012
Boy: Why does mom carry her purse even when we go places where she won't need money? Man: I don't know. Boy: But I thought you knew everything, Dad. Man: There are some things nobody knows.
ThunderChicken72 over 12 years ago
Same reason I carry my wallet, son.
doris sloan over 12 years ago
Because it contains everything needed to survive outside of the home. Duh!
jmbfatcat over 12 years ago
Some things are best left unknown to man.
hippogriff over 12 years ago
To make sure you have your identification. Otherwise you will be dumped in Juarez with no way to get back.
scrabblefiend over 12 years ago
I was expected to carry Q tips so my husband could clear his ears of any water left after he showered, and was dressed up to go out.
REDROCKER51 over 12 years ago
my wife puts rocks in her purse in case she wants to swat me one….or two….or three…….
K M over 12 years ago
My wife carries a purse — sometimes. Usually she leaves it in the car.