What-? What happened? "Checkmate" means you lost, Gina. But how? You were playing so bad! Huh. Yup, pretty strange. Wait a minute! It was a trick! You knew what you were going all along! You sandbagged me! "Sandbagged"? What is this word "sandbagged"?
Gee150 over 12 years ago
Nicely played Nate ;)
aflhc1984 over 12 years ago
Who’s the sore loser now? =P atcha Gina!
NightHawk2005 over 12 years ago
And this is why I wanted Gina to win and take Nate down a few pegs. Wow, does Nate look awful here. Some teammate.
kullyrai over 12 years ago
Come on, if Gina had won she would have been bragging about this to everyone, even boasting about how she would take down Artur and become the no.1 of the team and ruin chess club for everyone (Except for artur, who would be gracious and oblivious to Gina’s antics).Besides, we have seen Nate fake people out plenty of times at chess and during the school basketball matches. Plus isn’t he the king of “smack talk”, so it’s easy to see how he could dupe Gina like he did.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 12 years ago
Nobody knows his chess like Nate.
lisajwalton over 12 years ago
WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
runar over 12 years ago
She set out to spite Nate but got what she deserved. Good for Nate.
SethFrancis over 12 years ago
Yeah, he looks pretty bad, gloating as he always does. it just doesn’t hurt to see a little change once in awhile, like if Gina beat Artur THEN became #1, then he got his revenge. I think we all would have liked too see Nate loose in chess once in awhile. I’m sorry if i’m starting to sound like a critic, Mr. Pierce. But yeah, I guess i’m also kind of happy Nate beat Gina :)
Ninjoark over 12 years ago
Let me guess. You have a teacher from Spore.
anderson5 over 12 years ago
sleeepy2 over 12 years ago
Go Nate!
jcgass over 12 years ago
It is crap. You can’t put someone into checkmate from check in chess. Someone should teach out artist the rules :-)
Comicdog135 over 12 years ago
haha,poor gina
ArfArf88 over 12 years ago
The chess club just lost a member.No loss really.
Nighthawk700 over 12 years ago
Nice burn!
duanedjh over 12 years ago
As has been reviewed numerous times, it’s quite possible to checkmate out of check, through many various ways. It was a realistic depiction of a rare event. Nate deserved the win, Gina bests him on the books – mostly ‘cause Nate doesn’t work hard – and she’s insufferable in lots of other ways as well. Go Nate!
Davepostmp over 12 years ago
Sandbagging can work in some physical games, but in an intellectual game such as chess it’s a psychological ploy. If you play your best, it won’t make a difference.
PoodleGroomer over 12 years ago
If there was no cheating, chess is logic and process, and all wins are earned and deserved.
route66paul over 12 years ago
There is no name for a checkmate getting out of check, but there is a counter check, that can also be a checkmate.. If by removing the threat, your king ends up cornered and in check, you are checkmated.
ncalifgirl58 over 12 years ago
Nate has never been a team player. It takes practice for some.
BigNate+CalvinandHobbes=:) over 12 years ago
Gina stood no chance from the start
Comicdog135 over 12 years ago
does anyone here remember ,Angie, nate’s old girlfriend?
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Typical Gina attitude, “I lost so you tricked me!”. Love it.
Bill Chapman over 12 years ago
Gina lost focus. She was playing her opponent and NOT playing the game. That is a fatal mistake in chess.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hee hee hee! Good one Nate.
nj23nut over 12 years ago
Nice to see Gina get taken down a notch. She always acts so superior to everyone, especially Nate.
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
I wonder if she’ll quit now.
Screaming Blobs over 12 years ago
He could have captured Gina’s piece that put him in check and that would have put her in checkmate, but that usually happens late in the game when there aren’t many pieces left and usually it doesn’t happen because the person checking them will know that it is a terrible move.
Screaming Blobs over 12 years ago
I wonder how long it would take for Nate to beat Gina if he wasn’t sandbagging.
susanwobb over 12 years ago
Look up Fischer vs Spassky in 1972. Fischer started playing Spassky psychologically way before they ever got to Reykjavik.
larryrhoades over 12 years ago
You see, Senorita, the bool does not always loose.
tbritt99 over 12 years ago
fuh fuh fuh fuh!
calvinsfriend110 over 12 years ago
You stuff something in a bag of sand?
NightHawk2005 over 12 years ago
That isn’t rude language. There are worse things said every day here. Bringing that up and falsely claiming it was rude language is the very definition of wanting to be snitchy.
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
Obi-Wan BigNatie
beaver48612 over 12 years ago
She’s a sore loser, isn’t she? :-)
GasHouseGorilla over 12 years ago
Well, Gina you got what you deserved! I warned you about being cocky & overconfident! Now, it looks like Gina needs a straight jacket. But, I feel Nate should stop gloating and say in a serious & kind mood to Gina, “I’m sorry my friend, but I had to take you down!”
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
Way to rock, Big Nate, way to rock!
kwydjebo over 12 years ago
Gina challenged Nate, heck he even tried to get out of it, but she called him a chicken if he didn’t play her. In grade school, them is fighting words, so she got exactly what she deserved, a valuable lesson about focusing on the game, not the opponent. And he hasn’t gloated….yet. I like when Nate wins every now and then, most times he doesn’t win, so these victories are all the more sweeter!
nateiscool!! over 12 years ago
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss!
mwproto Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yes! Down a peg, Gina…hmm that;s probably cribbage rather than chess.
SethFrancis over 12 years ago
@NinjoarkWhat is Spore? I come from USA.
Tater over 10 years ago
Okay, even I don’t know what the word “Sandbagged” means.
a non-E mouse almost 6 years ago
sand·bagDictionary result for sandbag/ˈsan(d)ˌbaɡ/verbgerund or present participle: sandbagging3. deliberately underperform in a race or competition to gain an unfair advantage.
Happy Eevee over 4 years ago
I had to look it up…
VMB! about 4 years ago
the best part is she could NEVER beat Arthur!
The last of Nate's Cheez Doodles almost 4 years ago
Now that I think about it, Francis sucks at chess.
Pets of the comics almost 4 years ago
He won fair and squared
MatthewMukkala almost 4 years ago
I love how awesome Nate is at chess.
hockey man almost 4 years ago
Nice trick, Nate!
SamuelZhao almost 4 years ago
You might think sandbag is a random term, but it means To downplay or misrepresent one’s ability in a game or activity in order to deceive (someone), especially in gambling: sandbagged the pool player by playing poorly in the first game when stakes were low.
The last of Nate's Cheez Doodles almost 4 years ago
MLG moment
leopardglily over 2 years ago
I loved reading that.
doctorwho29 over 1 year ago
Gina needs to calm down. She could have bad health from freaking out so much