A person of my acquaintance stripped his gears in quite a similar manner. He was fine until he tried to take 21 credits in a semester at the local community collete because he thought that would be the only way he could impress his dad. Now, even at a community college, 21 credits is a massive load. How the counselors ever let him register for that is beyond me. And he paid for his effort with a case of schizophrenia that plagues him mightily to this day.
A person of my acquaintance stripped his gears in quite a similar manner. He was fine until he tried to take 21 credits in a semester at the local community collete because he thought that would be the only way he could impress his dad. Now, even at a community college, 21 credits is a massive load. How the counselors ever let him register for that is beyond me. And he paid for his effort with a case of schizophrenia that plagues him mightily to this day.