My comment yesterday ended with “we’ll see what happens Monday.” Well, now we’ve seen it, and you have got to be kidding me! The interminable “Skip Interviews One of Batiuk’s Comic Creator Avatars at Montoni’s” arc ended back on August 24 last year, and now TB wants to give this dead horse a few more whippings? Five months later? Boy, that’s some timely profile you’ve working on, Skipper! Can’t wait to read it…in 2027!
My comment yesterday ended with “we’ll see what happens Monday.” Well, now we’ve seen it, and you have got to be kidding me! The interminable “Skip Interviews One of Batiuk’s Comic Creator Avatars at Montoni’s” arc ended back on August 24 last year, and now TB wants to give this dead horse a few more whippings? Five months later? Boy, that’s some timely profile you’ve working on, Skipper! Can’t wait to read it…in 2027!