Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for May 16, 2010
Alice: Be quiet, you children! Stop all that fussing RIGHT NOW! If you don't I'll turn this thing around and we will go right back home! I have had it up to here with you! One more peep and I'm coming up there! This is your last warning! BEHAVE! Girl: Is that what your mom and dad say on car trips? Alice: No. But that's how moms and dads on TV shows act. My dad points out the window at boring things and my mom sings too loud with the radio. Who wants to play like that? Girl: Really.
leakysqueaky712 over 14 years ago
Alice has it down pat!!!
margueritem over 14 years ago
She knows her stuff!
MisterFweem over 14 years ago
Oh yes. Nothing more boring in a child’s life than reality. Really, who DOES want to play like that?
And I’ll bet that Bubsey Clownpants is the worst offender.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Got to add some spice to the car trips Alice!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sounds like my mother was way back when.
cdward over 14 years ago
Oh, we did sing-along. Boom, boom, ain’t it great to be crazy, Do your ears hang low, I’m a little pile of tin, There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea. Later it was state license plates – which oddly enough, my kids still like to play even when we’re not traveling.
peteysgrrl over 14 years ago
Thanks, cdward, now I have that song permanently lodged in my head! “There’s a hooooole in the bottom of the sea…”
DonVanni over 14 years ago
Slug Bug!
pibfan868 over 14 years ago
Alice always gives me such a grin!
cleokaya over 14 years ago
It’s not flag day, but what the heck.
JTGAM over 14 years ago
My mom used to think we were trying to kill her by driving her crazy as she was driving us to Grandma’s!
fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago
A periodic “Knock it off!” was the worst my Dad would come out with, but it worked. We didn’t play the radio on car trips ‘cause neither of my parents cared for Pop Music (or Classical, or Jazz, or Country…), but my Dad would sing stuff from the 1940’s a capella. (My Mom’s favorite music was Marching Band stuff, and that doesn’t get a lot of airplay…)
Mostly, we kids had our own world in the back seat, and Mom and Dad had theirs in the front, and I have no idea what they did up there because I wasn’t paying attention.
Munodi over 14 years ago
Thompson was billiant today, but he is brilliant every day.
lazygrazer over 14 years ago
Man, I sure miss lazing around the back seat of our Hudson listening to the radio and watching the beautiful countryside go by while waiting for the next Burma Shave signs to appear….
Do Not Pass
On Curve Or Hill
If The Cops Don’t Catch You
The Morticians Will.
Burma Shave
jrowell over 14 years ago
The uh-oh baby makes an appearance on today’s Bizarro.
1148559 over 14 years ago
Love it! Who wants to play like that indeed!
deadheadzan over 14 years ago
grazer, love the Burma shave quote. Those were the good old days. And of course, Alice is always her imaginative self! Her parents are great so she make believes scolding.
policelimit Premium Member over 14 years ago
“One more peep and I’m coming up there!”
cdward over 14 years ago
Oh, and whenever we drove past or over a lake or river, we all shouted “Water, water, water, water, water” until we were past. Oddly enough, my parents encouraged it.
margueritem over 14 years ago
And how many of us held our breath as we drove by a cemetary?
MisngNOLA over 14 years ago
How many of us still hold our breath when we pass through a tunnel?
DCStark almost 14 years ago
@marg & @Misgn: Guilty as charged – and I’ve passed it along to my children, too!
Cecin'estpasunepipe about 10 years ago
This strip would be waaaaay better without the colors.