Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 06, 2016
Petey: I'm doing a diorama on lunar phases for school. Tonight the moon is waxing gibbous! Alice: Like a monkey? Petey: No, the moon- Alice: A gibbous is a kind of monkey. Petey: No, it's Dill: The zoo has one at the monkey house. Petey: No. Alice: But why is it waxing? Petey: Agh. dill: Maybe it's pushing a floor polisher. Alice: The moon is a monkey pushing a floor polisher. Alice: Makes sense to me! Dill: I'll stick with my theory that the moon's a galactic repository for used chewing gum.
This got posted on Frog Applause this morning
Alexikakos said,
If you make a comment there to test it out be aware that it is not your avatar that is assigned to the comment, but the email address you used to sign up to GoComics with.
I don’t know who made that mistake at GoComics but I’ve sent an email to them through the feedback to let them know. I’m presuming it is a mistake.
Too, the “Delete” button is gone. Replaced by a hidden-on-the-right-side icon of a garbage pail. You have to move your mouse around to find it.