Usually I post a pointer to a blog entry concerning this strip. I won’t be doing that today. Observant readers may have noticed the ©2008 between the strip panels, meaning it’s from the 1st year of the strip, not the 5th. That was also the case in the last 3 months of the strip’s first run, in 2012 – a 2nd full rerun hasn’t started, there just won’t be any more first run daily strips, in this rerun. Enjoy the repeats.
Usually I post a pointer to a blog entry concerning this strip. I won’t be doing that today. Observant readers may have noticed the ©2008 between the strip panels, meaning it’s from the 1st year of the strip, not the 5th. That was also the case in the last 3 months of the strip’s first run, in 2012 – a 2nd full rerun hasn’t started, there just won’t be any more first run daily strips, in this rerun. Enjoy the repeats.