Wilma appears to be about ten years old, but her license says she’s 600. However, wisdom hasn’t necessarily come with age. Wilma struggles to control her frustration with those around her and has been known to curse those who push her too far. This is a problem because Wilma still hasn’t completely mastered magic so when she flies off the handle, she can’t always undo what’s been done.

Edwin is Wilma’s younger brother and a victim of her nasty temper. When Edwin bothered Wilma with too many questions, she turned him into a frog! Fortunately, Edwin’s a pretty happy-go-lucky guy. He’s always willing to let Wilma experiment with making him human again, but if she’s unable to do it, flies aren’t so bad.

Pixel is Wilma’s friendly neighbor. Although she’s a powerful young fairy, she prefers to tinker with the latest tech than to cast magic spells. Pixel is always willing to lend a hand to those in need, and she prides herself on her kindness. She’s Wilma’s best friend on those rare moments when Wilma lets her guard down.

Dad is a pretty chill warlock trying to raise his two kids. He likes reading and drinking tea, and he’s always available to lend an ear when his family has troubles. His advice may not always be helpful, but he means well.

Mom is the no-nonsense parent of Wilma and Edwin. Although she’s usually nice, she’s not afraid to lay down the law when she has to. She’s trying her best to be positive about the family’s recent move, but she’s made it clear that Wilma needs to make an effort in their new neighborhood.

Keith haunts the attic of the Witch family cottage. At one point, no one believed in him, but as his band grows more popular, more residents of the woods are seeing his artistic potential. Keith can be a bit temperamental but Wilma is willing to work with him if he just keeps the noise down.

Mr. Foot
Mr. Foot is Wilma’s reclusive neighbor. He rarely comes out of his home and hates all technology; especially cameras. He’s a bit of a grouch but he’ll talk nonstop if you catch him in the right mood.