Bev…. and 2Old too, if that was a real question…most probably.
The internet comes in to your house through a device called a modem.Most computers these days… and smartphones, tablets, iPods, etc… connect wirelessly to the modem….ie, they pick up a signal from it over the air… and that’s called wifi.If by any chance you have an actual phone cord that plugs into your computer to connect it to the modem, or to the internet….that’s not wifi.
Tony… yep.
Bev…. and 2Old too, if that was a real question…most probably.
The internet comes in to your house through a device called a modem.Most computers these days… and smartphones, tablets, iPods, etc… connect wirelessly to the modem….ie, they pick up a signal from it over the air… and that’s called wifi.If by any chance you have an actual phone cord that plugs into your computer to connect it to the modem, or to the internet….that’s not wifi.