I hate to say this…. but I think Tony is trying to make me think I’m crazy.
Well, I got news, Tony…..
you don’t have to work so hard to do that.
I’m already convinced, even without your help.
This strip looked awfully familiar….. and recently so……
So I went back and discovered that one just like it ran three weeks ago….
on February 6th, 2017….
but with different artwork!
Looking at that one a bit larger… I was able to discover that it had also run on the same date in 2012.
But re-runs happen…. no big deal.
A re-run with new art?
Not so often.
So…. I went to Facebook, looking for the question for tonight…..
and found yesterday’s strip (the one with Spork) …..
posted with today’s date…. and a different question (which it didn’t have when I looked for it then) ….
which is: “Married?”
But I also found today’s (Monday’s) strip posted yesterday (on Sunday)….
but with a repeat of Friday’s question…..
And then ….
Uh….. I don’t know what happened then……
I’m feeling kinda dizzy.
September 13, 2014
I hate to say this…. but I think Tony is trying to make me think I’m crazy.
Well, I got news, Tony…..
you don’t have to work so hard to do that.
I’m already convinced, even without your help.
This strip looked awfully familiar….. and recently so……
So I went back and discovered that one just like it ran three weeks ago….
on February 6th, 2017….
but with different artwork!
Looking at that one a bit larger… I was able to discover that it had also run on the same date in 2012.
But re-runs happen…. no big deal.
A re-run with new art?
Not so often.
So…. I went to Facebook, looking for the question for tonight…..
and found yesterday’s strip (the one with Spork) …..
posted with today’s date…. and a different question (which it didn’t have when I looked for it then) ….
which is: “Married?”
But I also found today’s (Monday’s) strip posted yesterday (on Sunday)….
as I believe Plods said yesterday …but with a repeat of Friday’s question…..
And then ….
Uh….. I don’t know what happened then……
I’m feeling kinda dizzy.