Don’t worry…. give him a few years.
When he’s a teenager, he’ll find something…
Most kids do.
And if it’s baseless, most of them get over it….
or they don’t.
As parents, you just do what you can…. and hang in there.
Sometimes it takes a while.
I knew a horrible, resentful teen, always acting out, running with the wrong crowd…
but a lot of it was for show, to prove something to her over-protective parents….
Now she’s a lovely, responsible young woman, and they all get along fine….
but it took till she was probably 20 years old.
Don’t give up!
Unlike some posters here, I think Elliot will be OK, too.
He’s a bit over-indulged…
and has a funny, smart-aleck father, so that’s the role he’s learned to play, as well.
But in the end, he does what he’s told,
and he doesn’t seem to get in trouble at school or go significantly astray,
Meanwhile…. Tony would like to ask….
“What’s your point?”
I think I just made mine…
what’s yours, Tony?
September 13, 2014
Don’t worry…. give him a few years.
When he’s a teenager, he’ll find something…
Most kids do.
And if it’s baseless, most of them get over it….
or they don’t.
As parents, you just do what you can…. and hang in there.
Sometimes it takes a while.
I knew a horrible, resentful teen, always acting out, running with the wrong crowd…
but a lot of it was for show, to prove something to her over-protective parents….
Now she’s a lovely, responsible young woman, and they all get along fine….
but it took till she was probably 20 years old.
Don’t give up!
Unlike some posters here, I think Elliot will be OK, too.
He’s a bit over-indulged…
and has a funny, smart-aleck father, so that’s the role he’s learned to play, as well.
But in the end, he does what he’s told,
and he doesn’t seem to get in trouble at school or go significantly astray,
Meanwhile…. Tony would like to ask….
“What’s your point?”
I think I just made mine…
what’s yours, Tony?