“Yeah, why?”, Tony?
Well, why not?
As philosophies go, “why not” is easier to live with… as long as you take an existential approach….
accept responsibility for yourself,
and for not going too far.
So, Elliot…. you want to talk philosophy….
here you go:
Your reality is your own….
Pick up your jacket.
And yes….
Happy Birthday "Daddy’s Home!
and Tony…..
I think you’ve had enough to drink.
You’re grounded until you can post a question without mentioning it.
September 13, 2014
“Yeah, why?”, Tony?
Well, why not?
As philosophies go, “why not” is easier to live with… as long as you take an existential approach….
accept responsibility for yourself,
and for not going too far.
So, Elliot…. you want to talk philosophy….
here you go:
Your reality is your own….
Pick up your jacket.
And yes….
Happy Birthday "Daddy’s Home!
and Tony…..
I think you’ve had enough to drink.
You’re grounded until you can post a question without mentioning it.