So…. Tony’s question today is
“Don’t you hate that?”
Well, I would, Tony….
but, of course, it never happens to me.
“Why is that?”, you ask? ( C’mon…. sure you do.)
Well here’s where I could tell you that I’m perfect, and I never make mistakes…
so no one ever has to point out my errors, or my shortcomings.
I could tell you all that…
But the truth is, it’s because there’s no one else here.
I’d have to recognise my own mistakes… and if I could do that, I really wouldn’t be making any.
September 13, 2014
So…. Tony’s question today is
“Don’t you hate that?”
Well, I would, Tony….
but, of course, it never happens to me.
“Why is that?”, you ask? ( C’mon…. sure you do.)
Well here’s where I could tell you that I’m perfect, and I never make mistakes…
so no one ever has to point out my errors, or my shortcomings.
I could tell you all that…
But the truth is, it’s because there’s no one else here.
I’d have to recognise my own mistakes… and if I could do that, I really wouldn’t be making any.