As a Houyhnhnm, Horace has the mental capacity to fall asleep anytime he wants to if he even needs sleep. He left his people too early. He can’t even shift his front hooves to hands! (They have full control over their bodies, “protoplasmic reversion” only to the Nth degree.)
Horace needs a quick visit to his people’s island of Houyhnhnmland.
George Orwell viewed the Houyhnhnm society as one whose members try to be as close to dead as possible while alive and matter as little as possible in life and death.4 Wikipedia
They are amoral Vulcans based upon logic with no emotion. Also no lies either.
As a Houyhnhnm, Horace has the mental capacity to fall asleep anytime he wants to if he even needs sleep. He left his people too early. He can’t even shift his front hooves to hands! (They have full control over their bodies, “protoplasmic reversion” only to the Nth degree.)
Horace needs a quick visit to his people’s island of Houyhnhnmland.
George Orwell viewed the Houyhnhnm society as one whose members try to be as close to dead as possible while alive and matter as little as possible in life and death.4 Wikipedia
They are amoral Vulcans based upon logic with no emotion. Also no lies either.