Houyhnhnms are good with their time. But Horace left his home island too soon. So he is a slacker sometimes. He really doesn’t even need sleep. But he has been around humans a bit too long. Picking up some of their habits. Houyhnhnms contemplate in quiet moments. Similar to what you find in India and Asia. Alter his mind function in different ways. How they control their bodies & altering its shapes. But then on the other hand Horace doesn’t have Yahoo slaves. So it evens out.
Houyhnhnms are good with their time. But Horace left his home island too soon. So he is a slacker sometimes. He really doesn’t even need sleep. But he has been around humans a bit too long. Picking up some of their habits. Houyhnhnms contemplate in quiet moments. Similar to what you find in India and Asia. Alter his mind function in different ways. How they control their bodies & altering its shapes. But then on the other hand Horace doesn’t have Yahoo slaves. So it evens out.