GIGGLE :-) That snowman looks a lot like the snowmen around here on the West Coast of Canada. It snows for a few days, kids make snowmen, and the snowmen find themselves sinking in the ground :-) The only places snow stays is on the mountains where the ski resorts (Whistler is one) are having a great time :-)
margueritem almost 13 years ago
Or Calvin…
bkoth almost 13 years ago
Charlie Brown was building strange snowmen 60 years ago!
wraith13 almost 13 years ago
Charlie Brown did not have the imagination like Calvin
mjgeib almost 13 years ago
Gotta love Lil!
cybergal29 almost 13 years ago
GIGGLE :-) That snowman looks a lot like the snowmen around here on the West Coast of Canada. It snows for a few days, kids make snowmen, and the snowmen find themselves sinking in the ground :-) The only places snow stays is on the mountains where the ski resorts (Whistler is one) are having a great time :-)
martinman8 almost 13 years ago
I think she is secretly calvins grandmother
jdh2690 almost 13 years ago
Lil is a gal after mine own heart! Her and Maxine must be related …
Marathon Zack almost 8 years ago
Shouldn’t that be “quicksnow”?