I wanted to come back and chime in on yesterday’s discussion about membership…..
Yes, I pay for “Pro” status.
I much prefer full access to the archives, and my ad and pop-up blockers didn’t stop them all.
It’s only 99¢ a MONTH, 3¢ a day, though they do ask for a year at one time.
Some people said they ’d just read comics in the paper, instead….
Well, the local paper is $227 a year!!!
That’s what I can’t afford.
I decided a month of GoComics was a better value for a dollar than 2 newspapers or 2/3 of a cup a coffee.
Universal mostly supports this site by syndicating comics to those very newspapers, which are fading away.
Websites may soon be all we have.
When speculative internet investment ends, after decades of losing money, subscribers may have to cover the costs.
There will be a lot of sites then that I can’t afford……
but I can’t blame GoComics for asking 3 cents a day from people like me who spend so many hours here.
I wanted to come back and chime in on yesterday’s discussion about membership…..
Yes, I pay for “Pro” status.
I much prefer full access to the archives, and my ad and pop-up blockers didn’t stop them all.
It’s only 99¢ a MONTH, 3¢ a day, though they do ask for a year at one time.
Some people said they ’d just read comics in the paper, instead….
Well, the local paper is $227 a year!!!
That’s what I can’t afford.
I decided a month of GoComics was a better value for a dollar than 2 newspapers or 2/3 of a cup a coffee.
Universal mostly supports this site by syndicating comics to those very newspapers, which are fading away.
Websites may soon be all we have.
When speculative internet investment ends, after decades of losing money, subscribers may have to cover the costs.
There will be a lot of sites then that I can’t afford……
but I can’t blame GoComics for asking 3 cents a day from people like me who spend so many hours here.