If Ma were choking on her favorite fortune cookie, would her loving s-I-l Burl raise up his lard a*ss and even pat her on the back? God forbid the Heimlich!
We don’t get fortunes in the cookies any more. It’s just sayings and learning to speak Chinese. Sometimes we get the lottery #. I am guessing Burl got all the Relative ones. Joy, why don’t you order something different and let Ma get the same thing she has gotten for years? My daughter always gets sweet/sour chicken. To each his own and Ma likes what she likes..
finale over 10 years ago
I’ve seen people stupid enough to put a whirligig in their birdbath.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
Well finale, heaven forbid a bird would dirty up the birdbath. It is only decorative, not for the birds!The Penny’s, however, are for the birds.
mikie2 over 10 years ago
If Ma were choking on her favorite fortune cookie, would her loving s-I-l Burl raise up his lard a*ss and even pat her on the back? God forbid the Heimlich!
loveslife over 10 years ago
We don’t get fortunes in the cookies any more. It’s just sayings and learning to speak Chinese. Sometimes we get the lottery #. I am guessing Burl got all the Relative ones. Joy, why don’t you order something different and let Ma get the same thing she has gotten for years? My daughter always gets sweet/sour chicken. To each his own and Ma likes what she likes..
imnormal over 10 years ago
So, what is good news about a close relative to Burl, I hate to think what he is thinking about Ma on that one.
vldazzle over 10 years ago
My waterfall is “just for show” too, but the birds love it when people don’t bother them.
MissScarlet Premium Member over 10 years ago
Dim sum! Ha !
orbenjawell Premium Member over 10 years ago
Re: Burl’s t-shirt message…….only SOME?? Try, like Lot’s & LOTS!!