I remember when I had a car phone, years ago. It was one of the first models, with a gasoline motor. The phone itself was heavy enough, but when you had a gallon of gas in the tank it really got hard to cart around. That’s why they put wheels on it. Then they needed to be able to steer it and had to add brakes. It had to keep up with my regular car – a Chevy Impala – so a gearbox was installed. And of course I had to hire an assistant to drive it and hand me the handset through the window. The first time the phone rang, it startled the assistant so much he drove off the road into a culvert. The whole thing got too expensive, and I just gave it up.
I remember when I had a car phone, years ago. It was one of the first models, with a gasoline motor. The phone itself was heavy enough, but when you had a gallon of gas in the tank it really got hard to cart around. That’s why they put wheels on it. Then they needed to be able to steer it and had to add brakes. It had to keep up with my regular car – a Chevy Impala – so a gearbox was installed. And of course I had to hire an assistant to drive it and hand me the handset through the window. The first time the phone rang, it startled the assistant so much he drove off the road into a culvert. The whole thing got too expensive, and I just gave it up.