BEMCO should feature the Penny’s in their ads. “If a BEMCO mattress can’t stand up to them, it can stand up to anything.” Of course, it’s a nightmare for their memory foam model. Every night, you can hear it murmur, “Oh, no. I remember these behemoths. Not again. Not again.” .(Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. You’re hoping they get one at the 10% off sale and wonder why their feet hang off the end.)
I am enjoying these strips too. This is the one strip I would regularly magnify so I could get all the detail. Not able to do that with these older strips. I guess I will have to stick with the CTRL + to magnify.
MeGoNow Premium Member about 9 years ago
BEMCO should feature the Penny’s in their ads. “If a BEMCO mattress can’t stand up to them, it can stand up to anything.” Of course, it’s a nightmare for their memory foam model. Every night, you can hear it murmur, “Oh, no. I remember these behemoths. Not again. Not again.” .(Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. You’re hoping they get one at the 10% off sale and wonder why their feet hang off the end.)
InTraining Premium Member about 9 years ago
Oh…. pity the poor Sears salesman… ! ! !
Jeff0811 about 9 years ago
I am enjoying these strips too. This is the one strip I would regularly magnify so I could get all the detail. Not able to do that with these older strips. I guess I will have to stick with the CTRL + to magnify.