I like to take my own bags too. Sometimes I forget them so now I have plastic bags to take to the recycle bin. Also the thrift shops will take them.
Trust these two to show up at an “expired” sale.
Burl is so excited he is hands-in-pocket again…!
A lot of stuff for that ’lil sack…….oh, right…..“square peg into round hole” types, these………
Makes sense. These two are always trying to fit large quantities into small spaces.
Joy, you better have five more bags inside that one!!!
They never want to put it all in one bag. They are so use to putting one item in each plastic bag. I tell them to cram it all in!
Billys mom2022 over 5 years ago
I like to take my own bags too. Sometimes I forget them so now I have plastic bags to take to the recycle bin. Also the thrift shops will take them.
William Bednar Premium Member over 5 years ago
Trust these two to show up at an “expired” sale.
InTraining Premium Member over 5 years ago
Burl is so excited he is hands-in-pocket again…!
orbenjawell Premium Member over 5 years ago
A lot of stuff for that ’lil sack…….oh, right…..“square peg into round hole” types, these………
noreenklose over 5 years ago
MissScarlet Premium Member over 5 years ago
Makes sense. These two are always trying to fit large quantities into small spaces.
paranormal over 5 years ago
Joy, you better have five more bags inside that one!!!
LastRoseofSummer Premium Member over 5 years ago
They never want to put it all in one bag. They are so use to putting one item in each plastic bag. I tell them to cram it all in!