For once I’m on Burl’s side….
Though for Hairy Jerry to stop ruining the view, he might have to do more than zip up and turn his shirt right-side out.
I’m thinking full-body coverall…. better yet… do they make personal-size walk-around tents?
If not, a bag over his head might help.
I don’t like to be mean….
We’ve seen his mother, so we know it’s not his fault he’s hirsute and unattractive….
But he behaves so obnoxiously, I can blame him for strutting his unwanted “stuff” in my face.
Anyway…. yay! It looks like we’ve reached the point in the reruns where Julie started including a “Find-It”.
That silly thing made the strip more popular the first time around.
I’m hoping people will agree, as we eventually did then, to not post the location first thing….
And let other people have a chance to find it too.
We used to come back in the afternoon or evening to discuss its whereabouts…
or at least wait till someone asks.
What do you guys think?
For once I’m on Burl’s side….
Though for Hairy Jerry to stop ruining the view, he might have to do more than zip up and turn his shirt right-side out.
I’m thinking full-body coverall…. better yet… do they make personal-size walk-around tents?
If not, a bag over his head might help.
I don’t like to be mean….
We’ve seen his mother, so we know it’s not his fault he’s hirsute and unattractive….
But he behaves so obnoxiously, I can blame him for strutting his unwanted “stuff” in my face.
Anyway…. yay! It looks like we’ve reached the point in the reruns where Julie started including a “Find-It”.
That silly thing made the strip more popular the first time around.
I’m hoping people will agree, as we eventually did then, to not post the location first thing….
And let other people have a chance to find it too.
We used to come back in the afternoon or evening to discuss its whereabouts…
or at least wait till someone asks.
What do you guys think?
(Today’s is really obvious anyway… but IIRC some were hard.)