Cute little fridge… wonder whether the Pennys keep a few treats in it.
Julie already made a “cut the cheese” joke…
only it’s in French… sort of… and doesn’t quite work…. kinda like her spelling of “hors d’oeuvres.”
A “coupe” is a type of cup… “coupe de fromage” means “cup of cheese.”
""Couper le fromage" is “cut the cheese” in French… though probably without our slang meaning.
Luckily, the humor works… and that’s what we come here for — not a language lesson.
I don’t expect cartoonists to know everything… just to make me laugh.
Cute little fridge… wonder whether the Pennys keep a few treats in it.
Julie already made a “cut the cheese” joke…
only it’s in French… sort of… and doesn’t quite work…. kinda like her spelling of “hors d’oeuvres.”
A “coupe” is a type of cup… “coupe de fromage” means “cup of cheese.”
""Couper le fromage" is “cut the cheese” in French… though probably without our slang meaning.
Luckily, the humor works… and that’s what we come here for — not a language lesson.
I don’t expect cartoonists to know everything… just to make me laugh.