Dog Eat Doug by Brian Anderson for August 07, 2009

  1. Rowr
    wyrm282  over 15 years ago

    Not melted, i hope…

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    This has their attention!

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  3. Missing large
    The_Uncle  over 15 years ago

    My Lab does exactly the same thing.

    All you have to do is mention the word “food” and you have her immediate attention.

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  4. Hyacinth macaw
    sjoujke  over 15 years ago

    I think Sophie’s cheesed off. (Luv the ear in the first panel)

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  5. Bc14b
    D-i-c-e-R  over 15 years ago

    Cheese Doodle sculpture….Sophie drools. I wonder if mice are a problem?

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  6. 2008 12 22 1
    greeneyedtxn  over 15 years ago

    My cat acts like Sophie does on the couch. One ear perks up when certain words are said on the T.V. or if she sees a fishing show. She loves watching the fish in the aquarium . DiceR—Can you imagine all mess those orange cheese doodles leave?

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  7. 00000
    alondra  over 15 years ago

    My choice would’ve been Garfield.

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  8. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Actually, I like Sophie’s look in the third panel.

    Ziggy can’t win anywhere, can he? He’s now Sophie’s version of dog food.

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  9. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  over 15 years ago

    Yenny would be my choice made from a yummy Gruyere.

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  10. Missing large
    cstewart23  over 15 years ago

    This is Ziggy we’re talking about. It would almost certainly be Limburger.

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  11. Cat asks you to sign a contract
    notinksanymore  over 15 years ago

    Do all dogs have a thing for cheese? Or is it just a Sophie thing?

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  12. Pict0026
    caddy.1957  over 15 years ago

    My dog sleeps on the couch with his own pillow or on the waterbed with my pilllow…if this is the case I can’t sleep in the bed….for a smaller basset he sure can sread out….As for Ziggy and cheese how much of that sculpture would be his head…that’s a lot of head cheese.

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  13. Large steve45
    JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I see a new moon cleo – when did that happen?

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    cleokaya  over 15 years ago

    Steve - Last night, but a new moon is always rising. LOL

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  15. Devil dog
    manateez1  over 15 years ago

    It’s not just Sophie. Both of mine LOVE cheese! In fact, that’s how I got Sadie to take her antibiotics-hidden in a cheese “ball”. First time EVER I got pills down my dogs without them eating the goodie and spitting the pill out on the floor!

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