@ APIKOROS: “canine-american”Political correctness gone completely berserk.Humane Society Leaders: You can’t refer to this animal as a dog. This is a CANINE-AMERICAN. We’re taking you to court. Where’s Jesse Jackson when we need him.
Person 1: Nice German Shepherd Uptight tree hugging loony: (in a high pitched voice): excuse me???? This is a canine-german-american. How dare you offend his culture you racist.
@ APIKOROS: “canine-american”Political correctness gone completely berserk.Humane Society Leaders: You can’t refer to this animal as a dog. This is a CANINE-AMERICAN. We’re taking you to court. Where’s Jesse Jackson when we need him.
Person 1: Nice German Shepherd Uptight tree hugging loony: (in a high pitched voice): excuse me???? This is a canine-german-american. How dare you offend his culture you racist.