Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 12, 1981
Mark: And now for a supply side update! Today the truly needy rallied in support of President Reagan's budget cuts. If laffer curves, Kemp-Roth, and the truly needy have your head spinning, then good news is at hand! With us today is top economic metaphysicist, Edward "Supply Side" Simmons! Ed, let's start with the tax cuts. What's the poop behind what Vice-President Bush once described as "voodoo economics"? Man: Well, Mark, it all has to do with breaking the inflation psychology. What we're trying to do is give people more disposable income with which to invest and save. This is the key to stimulating the supply side of the economy. Mark: But what does this really mean to the average person, Ed? Man: Well, let's look at a hypothetical situation. Say you were supporting a family of four on a $10,000 salary as a disc jockey. Mark: That's pretty hypothetical, all right. Man: In that bracket, after normal deductions, you'd receive a cut of $26 in your tax bill. Now what would you be likely to do with that money? Mark: Dinner and a movie? Man: No, no. Wrong psychology. You'd invest in a new steel plant.