Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 30, 1981
Person: Among the rioters who fought police in the blighted toxteth district of Liverpool was a 17-year-old drop-out who calls himself "Teddy Sputum." Mr. Sputum, why did you personally participate in the riots? Teddy: The bloody coppers, man! We hate 'em! They been knockin' us abot for years so we got even! Also, there's no bleedin' jobs. Is there? We got nuthin to do but hang out! Without a job, I don't have me self-respect! Person: I see. And what line of work were you interested in, Mr. Sputum? Teddy: I dunno..maybe something' in the fashion industry.
This would be hysterical if it weren’t so true…