Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 24, 1987
Man: Congratulations, son. Student: Thank you, sir. Man: Frankly we're all a bit surprised. Student: Back off, man. Man: Finally a few words about "competitiveness..." In recent years, "competitiveness" has come to mean something which Americans no longer have, and which the Japanese have in abundance! Many social critics point to our educational system as the culprit. I must disagree. This remarkable class is evidence enough of the strength of American higher education. While your docile Japanese counterparts were engaged in rote exercises, you were learning about independent thought and creativity! It is this commitment to innovation, this willingness to take chances, that will restore America's greatness! Class of '87, go out there and make your country proud! Okay, it's now my pleasure to introduce your co-valedictorians. Makoto Nataksone and Yassuhard Kurdda.