Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 10, 1991
Major Fogg: ...and as you can see we're right on schedule! We've been decimating them with some of our most powerful graphics! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Major B. 'Buzz' Foss, and you've wandered into another joint JIB-CENTCOM PAO briefing. In lieu of today's GGE whizzes about the ongoing campaign campaign, I'd like to comment on some of the Triple-A we've been absorbing from you folks vis-a-vis your dissatisfaction with our information dissemination protocols. The flak is out of line. We've been working our keisters off here to provide you with battle assessments that are timely, comprehensive and yet non-compromising to operational security. True, on occasion, there's been some collateral obfuscation and stonewalling, necessitating apologies from this office...but you can rest assured that in the future, there will be no, repeat, no more such activity! Person: No more stonewalling? Major Fogg: No more apologies. I'll take one more question.